Pay It Forward Homeownership Opportunity!

— Interest Forms Due ASAP —

Douglass CLT is offering for sale a two-bedroom single-family home in the Truxton Circle neighborhood! This home appraises for $790,000, but the previous owners left several hundred thousand dollars in equity because they wanted to sell “in a way that retains affordability, pushes back on gentrification/displacement and is an opportunity to practice reparations.” Their lower sale price lets more families benefit from the home – and Douglass CLT added additional subsidy to reduce the price further, down to the $460,000 contract price. Contract Price is $460,000; with Home Purchase Assistance, you could pay as little as $260,000 – $355,000!  

Owners of this home can earn equity while also agreeing to leave a portion of equity in the home if and when then sell so that the home remains affordable. Available for households 80% or below the MFI.  

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